The concept of caste has existed in South Asia for millenia. Though this socio-religious hierarchy had originated as a method of "division of labor", it has, in the modern age, served as a means of subjugation and disempowerment – especially for the lowest strata in the caste system, the Dalit.
"Dalit" means oppressed, downtrodden, and exploited. Members of the Dalit community (who have been defined by society as "untouchables") have been relentlessly denied social, political, religious, and economic rights. In addition to the systematic abuses perpetuated by society, Nepali Dalits have been forced to contend with the institutionalized discrimination conducted by the State. For centuries, numerous Nepali governing bodies and individual leaders have made it impossible for Dalits to achieve even nominal independence, often reducing them to little more than slaves and bonded laborers. It was illegal for Dalits to get education, use "public" resources, and to own their own land. They were often coerced to work for the high-caste Hindus at meager wages – if any wage was provided. These oppressive laws were finally repealed in 1963, but even then little is done by the state to improve the Dalits' lot.
Many Dalits in Nepal remain in dire poverty. Despite constituting nearly one-fifth of the population, they are virtually unrepresentative in the bureaucracy, legislature and even mainstream political parties.Did you know...• 22 % of the population of Nepal is from the Dalit community.• 80 % of the Dalit population lives below the poverty line.• Literacy rate amongst Dalits is 23 % against the national average of 54 %.• The average life expectancy of Dalits is 50.8 years against the national average of 58 years.• Per capita income of Dalits is Rs. 4949 (±$ 67) against Rs. 7673 (± $ 100) national average.

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